
The Semi Annual Financial Statements of Listed Companies at The ASE

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Amman Stock Exchange (ASE), Mr. Nader Azar, said that according to the listing securities Directives for the year 2012; all companies listed at the ASE should submit their semi annual reports reviewed by their auditors within one month of the end of the relevant period.

Azar added that (216) companies submitted their semi annual reports representing (96%) of the overall (225) companies within the time limit which ended with the end of July 2016.

Azar confirmed that the ASE circulated these reports to the brokerage firms, and posted them on the ASE website Version) in circulars and disclosures/semi annual reports windows.

 On the other hand , Azar said that  (9) listed companies did not submit  the ASE with their reviewed semi annual reports within the time limit; breaching the provisions of Article (9) of Listing Directives at the ASE; noting  that  Al-Qaria Food & Vegetable Oil Industries(UCVO)  submitted its reviewed semi annual reports after the time limit,  where companies that didn't submit the ASE with their semi annual reports within the time limit were suspended from trading for one trading session on  Monday August 1st,2016 based on the provisions of Listing Directives at the ASE and applying the disciplinary penalty which was set by the ASE Board of  directors on 29/6/2015.

Below are the companies that did not submit their semi annual reports:

1-        Jordan Dubai Islamic Bank ( JDIB).

2-        Al-Bilad Medical Services (ABMS).

3-        Jordan Paper and Cardboard Factories (JOPC).

4-        Jordan Phosphate Mines (JOPH).

5-        Jordan Press & Publishing / (AD-DUSTOUR) (JOPP).

6-        Al-Ahlia Enterprises (ABLA).

7-         First National Vegetable Oil Industries (FNVO).

8-        Awtad for Diversified Investments (AWTD).