
Financial Statements of the Second Quarter 2017 for Companies Listed at the ASE

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) Mr. Nader Azar, said that 192 out of 194 listed companies what means a (99%) of the listed companies, have provided the ASE with their semi-annual reports during the specified period in the Directives for Listing Securities, This high percentage reflects the high compliance of the listed companies with the laws and regulations in force, and the high commitment of such companies to the principles of transparency and disclosure.

Azar added that all companies listed at the ASE should submit the ASE with their interim reports reviewed by their auditors within one month after the end of the said period, according to the Directives for Listing Securities at the Amman Stock Exchange for the year 2016.

Azar confirmed that the ASE circulates these reports to the brokerage firms, and post them on the ASE website in circulars and disclosures/semi-annual financial reports window.

Taking into consideration, that only two companies namely; Jordan Projects for Tourism Development Company (JPTD) and Arab Aluminium Industry (AALU) did not provide the ASE with their reviewed interim financial statements for the period ended on 30/6/2017. Accordingly, the ASE suspended (AALU) of trading and will remain suspended until providing the ASE with the required financial statements. While (JPTD) is already suspended for not providing the ASE with its reviewed interim financial statements for the period ended on 31/3/2017 and the shares of ( JPTD) company shall continue be available for trading in the Unlisted Securities Market (OTC).