
The Companies' Third Quarter Reports for the year 2012

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) Mr. Jalil Tarif said that the ASE is still receiving a reviewed quarterly reports for the period ended on 30/9/2012 of companies which were listed on the First Market of the ASE at the 30th of September 2012.

By virtue of the ASE Listing Directives for the year 2004 all companies listed at the First Market must submit their reviewed quarterly reports within one month from the end of the quarter on a maximum.

Mr. Tarif explained that such a step assures the first market companies' transparency and disclosure to enable investors to obtain the results of the company throughout its fiscal year, he also stressed that the ASE circulates these reports to the brokerage firms, and post them on the ASE website (Arabic Version) in circulars and disclosures/quarterly reports window in order to facilitate access by those whom are interested.

He added that the ASE after the deadline of receiving  the reviewed quarterly reports which is the end of Wednesday, 10/31/2012, will publish  through various media the names of offending companies that have not submitted their reviewed quarterly reports  by its auditors in order to protect investors and  those who are interested in securities.  Also, the companies that did not comply with the deadline set itself to the penalties prescribed by securities law and regulations issued thereunder.

Its worth mentioning that  Jordan Islamic Bank, Bank Al-Etihad, Invest Bank, Capital Bank Of  Jordan, Arab Bank, The Islamic Insurance, Jordanian  Expatriates Investment Holding, Specialized Trading & Investment, Specialized Jordanian  Investment, Al-Amin For Investment, Century Investment Group, Al-Dawliyah For Hotels & Malls, Al-Amal Financial Investments  CO, Amad Investment & Real Estate  Development, Ihdathiat Co-Ordinates, Contempro For Housing  Projects, Masafat Transport, Al-Tahdith For Real Estate ,  National Cable & Wire, Al-Eqbal Investment, Universal Modern Industries, Ready Mix Concrete and Intermediate petrochemicals submit the ASE with its reviewed quarterly report audited by their auditors that circulated to investors in ways referred to above.