
Training Seminars in Cooperation with Athens Stock Exchange and Thessaloniki Stock Exchange Center

The Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) held training seminars to the brokerage firms and capital markets employees in cooperation with the Athens Stock Exchange and Thessaloniki Exchange. The seminars continued for four days, and focused on various issues related to capital markets and dealing in securities namely as Derivatives Markets, Risk/ Volatility Management and Hedging, Technical and Fundamental Analysis and Investor Relations. The lecturers were experts from the Athens Stock Exchange and The Saloniki Exchange.

The CEO of the ASE, Mr. Jalil Tarif said that holding such lectures goes in line with the ASE's policy of strengthening its ties with the local community and spreading the investment culture and raising awareness among citizens and investors. Mr. Tarif also stressed the important role of the capital market in increasing investments and creating job opportunities, which supports the economic growth in the kingdom and attracts local and foreign investments.

The event witnessed a remarkable attendance as the number of participants reached about (100) participants from the capital markets institutions and brokerage firms.

It is worth mentioning that the Athens Stock Exchange is one of the advanced European exchanges with around (463) listed companies with a market capitalization of about (105) billion Euros. The Amman Stock Exchange and capital market institutions have co-operations with the Athens Stock Exchange in various aspects related to the securities industry and technicality and technology relating to capital markets.