
Article (37)

  1. isciplinary actions referred to in sub-paragraphs (A) (1 & 2) of Article 36 of this By-laws shall be adopted by a decision of the C hief Executive Officer, and the Board of Directors shall be notified thereof.
  2. If it transpires  to the Chief Executive Officer that the alleged breach of the member or of one of the persons associated with him  necessitates the imposition of monetary fine , it shall be impose as the following:

1 -A decision taken  by the Chief Executive Officer  if the monetary fine does not exceed five thousand Dinars.
2 -A decision taken by the Board of directors if the monetary fine does not exceed five thousand Dinars, the Chief Executive officer  shall submit  a report  to the Board of directors inclusive report of the investigation committee and the facts and alleged breaches of the person, therefore the Board of Directors may take the appropriate decision, including putting the record on hold or imposing any of the sanctions stated  in paragraph (A) of Article 36 of this Bylaw.

  1. The person against whom a disciplinary sanctions is taken can appeal the decision before the Board.